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 The Experience  
To confidently love yourself. To selflessly love others. To willingly be loved by God. If we only have LOVE, then we have EVERYTHING. Is to Experience Agape. 


 In order for you to embrace us in our totality. The experience begins with THE BLACK BOX of Agape.  The Experience of Agape is a requirement for all new Embracers of Agape. This is our Kingdom obligation to illuminate wisdom of the Kingdom and love in all we do, we require of you what He requires of us. The Black Box of Agape is a  symbolism of the light within the dark, the good within the challenge , the love within the hate. The Experience of Agape is a reminder that this world is tainted but always strive to be the light within it not the darkness of it; be Love...Lead with Love in all you do. All we ask is that you embrace The Black Box of Agape; God gave you two eyes and two ears, seek Him, hear Him, embrace Him...
You must first experience Agape to embrace Agape to exude Agape.

The Experience of Agape provides you the opportunity to exude Agape. Upon opening your Agape package we ask that you take a moment and ask yourself three questions: What does Love mean to you? Does your Love give or take? Does your love hold weight (in the world) (with you) (with God)? Once you have mentally answered your questions proceed opening The Black Box of Agape. Inside the Black Box may be the answer, reflection, clarity, and peace you didn't even know you needed. 




Eros. Storage. Philia. Philautia. AGAPE

If all we have is Love, then we have everything.



lOVE suffereth lonG.   l


lOVE is kind.


lOVE envieth not.


lOVE vaunteth not itselF.


loVE is not puffed up.

lOVE Doth not behave itself unseemlY.O


lOVE seeketh not her owN.


lOVE is not easily provoked. 


lOVE thinketh no evil.

lOVE Rejoiceth not in iniquitY. V


lOVE rejoiceth in the truth.

lOVE Beareth all thing.

lOVE believeth all things.

lOVE hopeth all thingS.

lOVE endureth all things.


lOVE never faileTH E

New Agape Embracers Required 

Developed by Agape Natural Personal Care Concoctions & Wellness Remedies| 2018

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